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2007 SELinux Symposium Case Studies

Trusted Computer Solution development and deployment of SELinux based Solutions

George Kamis, Chief Technology Officer, Trusted Computer Solutions

Trusted Computer Solutions (TCS) has a full complement of Cross Domain Access and Transfer products operating on SELinux. Access product are those that address multilevel data processing at the desktop and Transfer product are "guarding" solutions that allow data to securely transverse between systems or networks at different sensitivity levels. This case study will focus directly on one of the Access products, NetTop2 Thin Client (NT2 - TC). NT2 - TC evolved from the National Security Agency's NetTop&tm; through a co-operative research and development agreement (CRADA) with TCS. NT2 - TC has been deployed at multiple government locations and has successfully completed the DODIIS Certification and Accreditation process. It received an Authority to Operate (ATO) in September 2006 and is currently in operational use. The case study will focus on how TCS utilized and enhanced SELinux to help meet the security requirements of DCID 6/3 to achieve accreditation. It will also address how the system was modified to make security (SELinux) transparent to both the users and administrators of the system.

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