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2007 Security Enhanced Linux Symposium Agenda


Track 1 Track 2
Mar. 12 Morning
8:30AM - 12PM
Introduction to SELinux Policy Development Advanced SELinux Policy Development
1:30PM - 5PM

Mar. 13 Morning
8:30AM - 12PM
Advanced SELinux Policy Development Managing SELinux Systems
1:30PM - 5PM
Building Cross-Domain and Perimeter Defense Solutions

Technical Sessions

March 14, 2007

7:30-10:30 Symposium Registration
8:00-8:30 Welcome Refreshments
8:30-10:00 Session 1: Keynote and Opening
8:30 Welcome and Symposium Overview Frank Mayer, Chair
8:45 SELinux: An Example of a Better Path to Information Assurance through Partnership
Richard Schaeffer Director of Information Assurance for the National Security Agency
9:30 What's New with SELinux (invited talk)
Stephen D. Smalley, National Security Agency, USA
10:00-10:30 BREAK
10:30-12:00 Session 2: Security Architectures
10:30 Security-Enhanced Darwin: Porting SELinux to Mac OS X
Chris Vance, Todd Miller, and Rob Dekelbaum, SPARTA, Inc., USA
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11:00 Extending SELinux policy management to networked policy domains
Joshua Brindle, Karen Vance, and Chad Sellers, Tresys Technology, USA
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11:30 Using the Flask Security Architecture to Facilitate Risk Adaptable Access Controls
Machon Gregory and Peter Losocco, National Security Agency
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12:00-1:30 LUNCH
1:30-3:00 Session 3: Extending SELinux
1:30 Using GConf as an Example of How to Create an Userspace Object Manager
James Carter, National Security Agency
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2:00 Integrating X.Org with Security-Enhanced Linux
Eamon Walsh, National Security Agency
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2:30 FCGlob: A new SELinux file context syntax
Donald Miner, UMBC and James Athey, Tresys Technology
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3:00-3:30 BREAK
3:30-5:30 Session 4: Works in Progress
  Reference Policy - Chris PeBenito (Tresys)
SELinux Upstream Future Directions - Karl MacMillan (Red Hat)
Targeted Policy - Dan Walsh (Red Hat)
SLIDE: The SELinux Policy IDE - Brian Williams (Tresys)
Extending SELinux Policy Model and Enforcement towards Trusted Computing Paradigms - Xinwen Zhang (Samsung)
SETools - Chris PeBenito (Tresys)
Security Enhanced PostgreSQL - KaiGai Kohel (NEC)
CLIP - a Certifiable Linux Integration Platform - Art Wilson (Tresys)
A Lot Can Happen in a Year: CIPSO, NetLabel, and Linux - Paul Moore (HP)
Trusted Cups - Matt Anderson (HP)
5:30-8:00 Reception
6:15-7:45 Birds-of-a-Feather Sessions
6:15-7:00 Evaluation, Certification, and Accreditation BoF - Art Wilson (Tresys) and Steve Grubb (Red Hat)
7:00-7:45 Audit BoF, - Steve Grubb (Red Hat)

March 15, 2007

8:00-8:30 Welcome Refreshments
8:30-10:15 Session 5: Keynote and Works in Progress
8:30 Open and Secure: Linux Today and Tommorrow
Dr. Daniel Frye, Vice President, IBM Open Systems Development
9:15 Implementation of SELinux for Embedded Linux Environments - Hadi Nahari (Montavista)
SELinux activities for embedded area, in Japan - KaiGai Kohel (NEC)
CDSFramework - Brian Williams (Tresys)
Connecting SCADA and corporate IT networks using SELinux - Ryan Bradetich (University of Idaho)
Enhancing the Security of Enterprise Products with SELinux - Spencer Shimko (Tresys)
10:45-12:15 Session 6: Policy Management
10:45 Towards Intuitive Tools for Managing SELinux: Hiding the Details but Retaining the Power
James Athey, Chris Ashworth, Donald Miner, and Frank Mayer, Tresys Technology
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11:15 Madison: A New Approach to Automated Policy Generation
Karl MacMillan, Red Hat
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11:45 Setroubleshoot: A User Friendly Tool to Diagnose AVC Denials
John Dennis, Red Hat
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12:15-1:45 LUNCH
1:45-3:15 Session 7: Information Flow Applications
1:45 The Design and Implementation of a Guard Installation and Administration Framework
Boyd Fetcher and Christopher Roberts, United States Joint Forces Command J9
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2:15 Securing Inter-process Communications in SELinux
Spencer Shimko and Joshua Brindle, Tresys Technology
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2:45 Integrating SELinux with Security-typed Languages
Boniface Hicks, Sandra Rueda, Trent Jaeger, and Patrick McDaniel, Pennsylvania State University
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3:15-3:45 BREAK
3:45-5:15 Session 8: Multilevel Security
3:45 Case Study: Trusted Computer Solution development and deployment of SELinux based Solutions - George Kamis, Chief Technology Officer, Trusted Computer Solutions SlidesSlides
4:15 Porting Legacy Multilevel Secure Applications to Security Enhanced Linux
Andy Suchoski and Rick Supplee, Hewlett Packard Company
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4:45 Extending Linux for Multi-Level Security
Klaus Weidner, atsec, George Wilson, IBM, and Loulwa Salem, IBM
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5:15 Closing and Raffle

Developer Summit

March 16, 2007

Developer Summit
An invitation only meeting for the core developers of SELinux to discuss future plans for SELinux and upcoming technologies.
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